API-based statistical data provider

Project details

The social project of WEBSPARK that allows users to get up-to-date information about the losses of russian occupiers in the war in Ukraine using an embedded API or widget.


API requests350000+ PER DAY

Unique visitors9000+ PER DAY


Create a system that will display data received from official public sources of AFU, transform this data to make it suitable for transfer via the API and Widget

  • Detailed statistics
  • Full loss history records available
  • Real-time display of losses
  • Various API documentation
  • Сustomizable widget

Mass media
about project

russianWarship.RIP is a widely acclaimed initiative that has received significant recognition from Ukrainian mass media. Prominent publications have emphasized the substantial benefits this platform provides to its users.


Web page where users can obtain statistical data by checking the page, integrating with the API, or embedding a widget on their own page or resource. Users can also support the defence forces through charitable funds displayed on the website.
  • Backend

    • PHP
    • Laravel
  • Databases

    • MySQL
  • Infrastructure

    • LEMP
    • Docker
Slide 1
  • Widget
Slide 2
  • Widget
Slide 3
  • Widget
Slide 4
  • API
Slide 5
  • Widget
Slide 6
  • API